dipenjara karena hutang bahasa Inggris
- dipenjara: imprison; in the nick; prisoned
- karena: has by; have by; since; since it is; stand to
- hutang: be in debt; debt; red ink; financial obligation;
- penyanderaan karena hutang: imprisonment for debt
- hutang: be in debt; debt; red ink; financial obligation; payables; obligation; debit entry; debit; owe; indebtedness; liability; loan
- karena: has by; have by; since; since it is; stand to reason; as; because; cos; for; from; in that; in view of; inasmuch as; now; of; on account of; out of; owing to; seeing that; stem; thanks to; through;
- bayar hutang: pay bills; pay debt
- hutang angsuran: instalment payable
- hutang bank: bank debt; bank payable
- hutang budi: moral duty
- hutang bunga: interest payable
- hutang cicilan: installment payable
- hutang dagang: account payable; accounts payable; liabilities passiva
- hutang deviden: devidend payable
- hutang eksternal: external debt